Вот ковырялся на форуме абуса и нарыл эту инфу.
Вроде Policaman (GM) говорит, что инфа правильная.
По форуму видно, что есть очень везучие личности,
которые получили епик бижу, так что го го неудачнеги
1 Queen Ant's Ring -> 0,008%
1 Core's Ring -> 0,016%
1 Scroll of Enchant Weapon (Grade A ) -> 1,016%
2 Scrolls of Enchant Weapon (Grade B ) -> 3,016%
3 L2Day - Blessed Scrolls of Resurrection -> 10,016%
3 L2Day - Blessed Scrolls of Escape -> 35,016%
- 3 Scrolls of Buff, out of a set of 10:
- 3 L2Day - Scroll of Guidance 10%
- 3 L2Day - Scroll of Death Whisper 20%
- 3 L2Day - Scroll of Focus 30%
- 3 L2Day - Scroll of Greater Acumen 40%
- 3 L2Day - Scroll of Shield 50%
- 3 L2Day - Scroll of Agility 60%
- 3 L2Day - Scroll of Mystic Empower 70%
- 3 L2Day - Scroll of Might 80%
- 3 L2Day - Scroll of Haste 90%
- 3 L2Day - Scroll of Windwalk 100%
1 Queen Ant's Ring -> 0,008%
1 Core's Ring -> 0,016%
2 Scrolls of Enchant Weapon (Grade B ) -> 1,016%
3 Scrolls of Enchant Weapon (Grade C ) -> 3,016%
2 L2Day - Blessed Scroll of Resurrection -> 10,016%
2 L2Day - Blessed Scrolls of Escape -> 35,016%
- 2 Scrolls of Buff, out of a set of 10 (except Wind Walk).
- 2 L2Day - Scroll of Guidance 11%
- 2 L2Day - Scroll of Death Whisper 22%
- 2 L2Day - Scroll of Focus 33%
- 2 L2Day - Scroll of Greater Acumen 44%
- 2 L2Day - Scroll of Shield 55%
- 2 L2Day - Scroll of Agility 66%
- 2 L2Day - Scroll of Mystic Empower 77%
- 2 L2Day - Scroll of Might 88%
- 2 L2Day - Scroll of Haste 100%
1 Queen Ant's Ring -> 0,008%
1 Core's Ring -> 0,016%
3 Scrolls of Enchant Weapon (Grade C ) -> 1,016%
4 Scrolls of Enchant Weapon (Grade D ) -> 3,016%
1 L2Day - Blessed Scroll of Resurrection -> 10,016%
1 L2Day - Blessed Scroll of Escape -> 35,016%
- 1 Scroll of Buff, out of a set of 10 (except Wind Walk and Haste).
- 1 L2Day - Scroll of Guidance 12%
- 1 L2Day - Scroll of Death Whisper 24%
- 1 L2Day - Scroll of Focus 36%
- 1 L2Day - Scroll of Greater Acumen 48%
- 1 L2Day - Scroll of Shield 60%
- 1 L2Day - Scroll of Agility 72%
- 1 L2Day - Scroll of Mystic Empower 84%
- 1 L2Day - Scroll of Might 100%
Отредактировано xDiablo (2007-08-20 11:26:54)